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Company Profile

Adept Infotech is a web development company based in Delhi, India. It was established in 2000 and since that time has been constantly growing and excelling in the services it provides.

Availability of a pool of highly educated and well-trained specialists combined with relatively low wages standards in the country enables us to reach an impressive quality/cost trade-off and stay competitive on the global market. Our clients come from the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, Japan, to name just a few.

But these initial conditions are not sufficient to maintain competitiveness that we succeeded in. The key to our success lies in our deep understanding of 2 key aspects for successful projects — ideas and professionalism. Only when they meet, you get effective web solutions for business expansion. Nothing is so worthy in the virtual world as ideas. We see them as the main object of our work. Only the best and most creative ideas have the right to be implemented. To make ideas work, professional knowledge and skills are needed. We have both. We put the Web to work for you.

Mission and Values

Information and communication technologies now find themselves among the most powerful agents for change in any advanced society. Higher levels of ICT adoption in business stimulate productivity growth and improve competitiveness. It contributes greatly to exchange information oversea in a sole instant introducing new opportunities, challenges and innovations.

From the very day of its establishment in 1999, Adept Infotech has been explicitly working in the field of technological transformation. To emphasize our firm orientation to that trend we have adopted our corporate mission that embraces the values we stand for in our activity.

Our Mission

Raising the prestige of India on the global IT-markets as measured by:

  • Successful implementation and deployment of IT-projects for our clients;
  • Adept Infotech service infrastructure development.

The core principles to help us implement our mission are rooted in our fundamental company values.

Our values substantiate:

  • Helping our customers generate more business due to increased market penetration;
  • Increasing operational productivity which saves your money;
  • Maintaining of win-win relationship with all of our clients that adds value to their operations;
  • Improving our corporate identity leading to greater success.

Our Values

Corporate identity oriented:

  • Business development and professional growth;
  • Achievement of lofty aims;
  • Taking pleasure in work and its outcome;
  • Efficient team work and mutual respect among team members;
  • Being proud of our job;
  • Devotion to work, enthusiasm;
  • Initiative;
  • Result-orientation;
  • Constant improvements and innovations.

Customer oriented:

  • Professionalism and specialization;
  • Continuous perfection of products and services;
  • Strong relationships with both clients and partners;
  • Effective communication with clients;
  • Maintaining considerate attitude towards our clients closely adhering to our own opinion;
  • Flexibility, ability to promptly and adequately respond to changes;
  • Reliability.

We, at Adept Infotech are firmly committed to our mission and devoted to our values helping our clients discover and focus on the infinite opportunities that lie ahead.

